Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I tried my hand at amigurumi today! I made this cute little guy:


I found the pattern over at and I think I will make a couple more. :) I also plan to make the ghost that is on the same blog. They are so easy! And fast too! I can see how these could get really addictive!

Here's the little ghostie:

He turned out a little caddywhompous but he's still cute. :) The pattern for him can also be found at

Here they are together:

Boober has already claimed them and is going to give them to her teacher tomorrow. Guess I will just have to make a couple more for me to take to NMCRS! LOL

Monday, October 6, 2008

YAY! Babies!

I have been impatiently waiting all day for baby news. :) Both my sister's girlfriend and one of my bestest friends are in labor right now! They are even next door to each other at the hospital!

YIPEE! I get both a niece and a nephew all in the same day! If only I were home to be there for them... Not that I could do much of anything, but still...