Monday, August 25, 2008

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

got this on another blog I read. Dunno if its me or not.

Your Birthdate: June 1

You are a natural born leader, even if those leadership talents haven't been developed yet.

You have the power and self confidence to succeed in life, and your power grows daily.

Besides power, you also have a great deal of creativity that enables you to innovate instead of fail.

You are a visionary, seeing the big picture instead of all of the trivial little details.

Your strength: Your supreme genius

Your weakness: Your inappropriate sensitivity

Your power color: Gold

Your power symbol: Star

Your power month: January

NOw DH's... THAT is scary! LMAO

Your Birthdate: August 18

You are a cohesive force - able to bring many people together for a common cause.

You tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too.

Beyond being a good leader, you are good at inspiring others.

You also keep your powerful emotions in check - you know when to emote and when to repress.

Your strength: Emotional maturity beyond your years

Your weakness: Wearing yourself down with too many responsibilities

Your power color: Crimson red

Your power symbol: Snowflake

Your power month: September

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Stitchy, stitchy, stitchy!

It feels so good to be stitching again! :) Here is what I'm working on right now


Its a birth sampler/announcement thingie (I never know what to call them LMAO) for a good friend of mine. She is having a little boy in October. There is supposed to be a basketball next to the #2 Jersey and I am working on the football next to the #1 Jersey. Beside the pennant (which is where his name will go) is a little star that his birth stats will go. Above the pennant will be a little square with a baseball, hat and glove and another with a soccer ball and cleats. Its going to be so adorable!

Other things on the crafty agenda this week will be wallets (those handy little ones I posted before) made out of leftover material from a set of coveralls I made a purse with for a good friend. The coveralls were in really great shape, except for one butt pocket that looked like it had been mended a few times! The inside of the purse was a utility shirt. I kept the name tapes on both of them and all the pockets are still usable! It really came out cute! I just remembered I took pics before I sent it! (I blacked out the name though)


The inside"

Well, I think that's about all outta me this evening... I will get more pics posted once I finish a few more things. Oh, and before I forget, I plan to make a few more bibs this week as well. I also need to get a quilt made and sent to my mom. Unfortunately it won't make it in time for her birthday which is the end of the month, but there's always Christmas to shoot for! hehehe

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Wonder Wallet!

Lazy Girl Designs Wonder Wallet

I got this super easy, super cute pattern not that long ago and this is what it made!



Coin pouch:

I guess I know what I am making for Christmas gifts this year! LOL

Monday, August 4, 2008

Back to School!

WOW! I didn't think it was EVER going to happen, but the kids start back to school in 2 weeks! YAY! I have (so far) survived the summer with my sanity (mostly) intact! We went school clothes shopping this past weekend and took advantage of the tax free weekend. Spent about $100 each on Boober and Shorty and about $50 on Goblin. Boober and Shorty both got new shoes, whereas Goblin decided he didn't need them yet. He has gotten a few shirts over the summer so he is good on those for now, its the jeans he needed most! He has gotten so tall that we had to get him some 32x34 jeans to replace the 32x30 ones he currently has in his dresser! *giggle* He does have some 32x32 that still look ok on him, but I much prefer the 32x34 on him. Can't see his socks at all with those! In a couple weeks we plan to get their supplies and I tell you, I am NOT looking forward to THAT. *sigh* Its just gotten so expensive to buy the supplies as the years have gone on. The tissues I can see buying, but 3 of them? Then there is the hand sanitizer. I'm not a big fan of the stuff so I hate that its on the list. I don't usually buy it even though it is. There is also a pack of colored copy paper on Shorty's list... Oh well, it could be worse... I know people who have dry erase markers on their kids' lists!

One of my favorite quilt shops has a blog now and I hate to say it but looking through those posts and pictures makes me so homesick. You'd think it was the impending arrival of my sister and her partner's new baby or the arrival of one of my dearest friend's baby would do it, but nope... its the picture of Robert the bird at Aunt Mary's Quilt Shop that does. *sigh* I wanna go home!

Well... off to play some more with my embroidery machine! I'm making bibs today and I think I might try to add something to some hand towels I bought at the dollar store the other day.

Oh, and for good measure, I am gonna throw in a picture of the hubby in his uniform from the other night. The Chief's Mess had a Dining In and he had to wear his choker whites. Lemme just say this uniform is *the* reason I had to marry a man in the Navy! LMAO!
