but barely! I've been doing lots of decluttering and things of that nature, but I'm still around some. I've got mixed emotions about the actual move itself, but am looking forward to exploring a new space. Though to be honest I am sort of ticked at certain people who are making it difficult. To some I just wanna say, I'm moving! Get over it! To others, I want to say we are going to be on the other side of the country! Acknowledge it! Oh well... can't win them all I guess.
This week has been an interesting one. Boober was kind enough to share her cold with me. I spent most of yesterday struggling to breathe! My nose ws so stuffed it hurt my chest to inhale. So I became a mouth breather. tried taking Dayquil and that didn't help. so for my next dosage took the Nyquil. That just gave me "shiny coin syndrome" so then I tried Sudafed. No dice. My last resort was to try Allergy pills. YAY! I could breathe again, but promptly wanted a nap! I slept on and off all evening, trying to stay awake and be aware of what the kids were up to, but it was so hard! I finally gave in at 9 when Goblin went to bed and slept soundly till about 1. at which time I couldn't breathe so well anymore. But I didn't take anything cause I wanted to be able to get up again this morning. I had such a mish mash of drugs yesterday I don't think I needed to add more of anything to it! Though this morning I think I am going straight for the allergy meds, but just taking 1 and not 2 this time!
Tomorrow is Boober's 9th birthday. *cry* Where has the time gone? She is having her first EVER sleepover! Just one girl though. Which is kind of ironic, since this girl's Mom has the say b-day as Boober! I was kind of afraid that her mom wouldn't let her come because its her weekend with M, but they said she could! YAY! I much prefer M over A. A seems to have "dumped" Boober now that there is a new girl in the neighborhood down the street. I am hoping its because we are moving in a few weeks, and we've known we were moving most of the summer, but it still bothers me. I've never been a big fan of A to begin with, but she was the only girl Boober's age in the neighborhood.
Hmm... what else... nothing that I can think of off top of my head... its gonna be a quick couple weeks though! TTFN!
You Should Play the Saxophone |
 You are charismatic, friendly, and very uninhibited. You have a lot of personal expression to bring your music.
Improvisational and informal, you can't deal with an instrument that has too many rules or complexities. You are much more interested in creating unique solos than immersing yourself in music theory.
You have a lot of style, and you definitely are one smooth operator. And while you may not play perfectly, no one's going to accuse you of being boring.
Your dominant personality characteristic: being very outgoing
Your secondary personality characteristic: your flair for the unique and dramatic |