I have my blog linked to my account over at Ravelry.com and thought to myself this morning that there are probably quite a few people who *wouldn't* want to read about some of the things I have posted recently in my regular blog, so I created a new one! LOL
So here it is! :) I think I am going to post this one on both blogs... I'm still trying to figure it all out...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
It's been awhile!
I didn't realize how long its been till I checked my blog the other day. *giggle* I guess life is just getting in the way, huh? I have good reasons though... I guess... sorta...
November I was still trying to get settled into some sort of routine and I was almost there. Then I decided that the pain in my wrist I was having should probably get checked out and I should probably get that annual exam done that I haven't had since 2005. So I called to make an appointment, thinking it would be weeks before I could get in about either. I mean I was trying the last year to get in for my annual at our last duty assignment, so I thought they were all like that. (In NY we saw civilian docs so it was a totally different process) Well, I called first thing in the morning on a Monday and it was busy. OK, no big, I'll try again later. I try again an hour or so later and still busy. Hmm... guess it will be the same as in WA. Great. So I try calling every hour or so and my hopes are dwindling with each call. Finally I am about to give up and tell myself just one more call before I call it quits for the day. Its picked up on the second ring! WOW! That was neat! Then I explain what I need the appointments for and she says something like "well let me see what we have available, can I put you on hold for a second?" and I just sort of deflate a little. I think surely its going to take awhile for her to look so I decide let's go potty while being on hold! TMI, I know lol No sooner had I started to go did she come back! YIKES! Then she tells me there is one the next day for my wrist. For reals? I'll take it! Then she starts looking for my other appointment and they have one for that Thursday! HOLY COW! That's crazy! You mean I can be seen in the same week as the phone call to make the appointent? That's unheard of! So I book both appointments and think I am good to go! It wasn't till later that I realized the one the next day was the same time that Boober usually gets home from school! DOH! By this time DH is walking in the door from work and I tell him I have my appointments set so I need to keep the car those two days and the usual "how was work" stuff happens.
THEN I realize I have to figure out the whole Boober coming home thing. She has her own key, but she's my baby so I am a little more leery of leaving her home alone than I ever was with Goblin. I hope that the appointment goes fast enough that I can jet outta there and be home shortly after her, but I know that isn't gonna happen. Lucky for me, DH was still pretty much doing his own thing with studying and such so he was able to leave early and be home when she got here. PHEW!
SO I go in and doc thinks its a Ganglion cyst. A WHAT?!?! He orders some x-rays on my wrist to be sure there isn't some sort of fracture or anything. (I'm a clutz so its entirely possible I have a fracture and don't realize it! LOL) He then suggests I see an orthopedist to be sure its a cyst and not something more serious. I'm given a lovely brown brace that goes almost all the way to my elbow. Can we saw overkill? I tough it out that night, trying to figure out how to wear the dang thing. If I had my palm resting on the plate at the front then my thumb goes numb and tingly. Hmm... don't think that's a good thing so I end up wearing it kinda weird and its doing nothing for my wrist pain and actually causing some in my fingers! UGH No worries, I will talk to my doc on Thursday when I go in for the other stuff. Did I mention I had to do some fasting blood work at that appointment as well? YUP! Silly me though I could wait till after my noon appointment to eat. Who knew I would actually wake up hungry for a change!
So I make it to my appointment with plenty of time to spare. Turns out a guy who had the day off came in and the doc thought it best that he go to the ER so they could better treat him. No big, shit happens! He has the gal that is going to assist with my wonderful exam (I am sure the ladies know which one I refer too) and she tells me what's going on and he should be in soon. No worries, I get it. about 5 minutes later she comes in AGAIN to apologize. Did I mention that this whole time I am sitting on the exam table with the sheet on my lap and the gown that was OBVIOUSLY made for a woman of a much smaller stature than myself? Hmm... good thing it was warm in the exam room, huh? He comes in and we chat the whole time the exam is happening. The usual stuff, how many kids? any surgeries? periods normal and regular?
After the exam I am informed that I might have to have it redone. HUH? I've never been told that before so it was cause for concern. Guess a week before you are due to have a period is an iffy time to do it. GREAT! Oh well... haven't had it done in 2 yrs so why not! Then he asks about the wrist pain and if the brace is helping. Not really, but I am making do. He asks the gal that was assisting to hunt down another, smaller one to see if that makes a difference. While she is looking we talk in his office about what we could do about the wrist pain and he orders the blood work. He then says he will send in a referral for an appointment with the orthopedist. At this point I am thinking I will just take a wait and see approach to the pain. See if I can get it under control with just the brace and some Advil. Weekend comes and I forget all about it all. Then Monday I get a phone call from the hospital to set up an appointment. Talk about service! I expected a letter in the mail in a couple weeks and here I have them calling me to make an appointment! I like the system here already!
End up having the appointment for the next day and get my choice of times. I go in, he orders more x-rays because I didn't bring the others with me and they didn't have time to order my records to be sent across town and we chat about my options. I want to take the wait and see approach and avoid all needles! Besides, the stats I've read about aspirations weren't that great. I don't really have a noticeable lump, just mostly the pain.
So for the next month or so I have a brace and am taking Mobic. The second brace I got at the clinic was better, but I still couldn't use my thumb. So DH and I head to the drug store to see what we can find. End up with a THIRD brace but this one seems to work much better for me. Now I get to figure out the typing! LOL I'm doing much better now with it so am actually able to work again. I took most of that one week off because I was making so many more typos than usual and I can't afford to do that in my line of work.
Which brings me to now... I can't believe its already the second week of December! WHERE has the time gone? December 10th sort of snuck up on me this year. Can you believe its been 22 yrs already? I told DH Sunday night that if I could I would make him and the children all stay home on the 10th. Shorty ended up staying him sick though. For those reading that wonder the significance, lets just say bad things happen on the 10th of December for me... I'm sure most will say its all just coincidental, but I'm one of those that thinks, there really are no coincidences in life. So 22 yrs ago, my father died. He was 39. I can't remember how many years ago it was now, but DH had a really bad accident at work and had it gone just slightly different, I would have been widowed that day. Thank the gods he was just really bruised and beat up looking!
OK, I'm rambled enough and you probably know WAY more about me than you ever wanted to by now. So I will end with this...
I want a nap! LMAO
November I was still trying to get settled into some sort of routine and I was almost there. Then I decided that the pain in my wrist I was having should probably get checked out and I should probably get that annual exam done that I haven't had since 2005. So I called to make an appointment, thinking it would be weeks before I could get in about either. I mean I was trying the last year to get in for my annual at our last duty assignment, so I thought they were all like that. (In NY we saw civilian docs so it was a totally different process) Well, I called first thing in the morning on a Monday and it was busy. OK, no big, I'll try again later. I try again an hour or so later and still busy. Hmm... guess it will be the same as in WA. Great. So I try calling every hour or so and my hopes are dwindling with each call. Finally I am about to give up and tell myself just one more call before I call it quits for the day. Its picked up on the second ring! WOW! That was neat! Then I explain what I need the appointments for and she says something like "well let me see what we have available, can I put you on hold for a second?" and I just sort of deflate a little. I think surely its going to take awhile for her to look so I decide let's go potty while being on hold! TMI, I know lol No sooner had I started to go did she come back! YIKES! Then she tells me there is one the next day for my wrist. For reals? I'll take it! Then she starts looking for my other appointment and they have one for that Thursday! HOLY COW! That's crazy! You mean I can be seen in the same week as the phone call to make the appointent? That's unheard of! So I book both appointments and think I am good to go! It wasn't till later that I realized the one the next day was the same time that Boober usually gets home from school! DOH! By this time DH is walking in the door from work and I tell him I have my appointments set so I need to keep the car those two days and the usual "how was work" stuff happens.
THEN I realize I have to figure out the whole Boober coming home thing. She has her own key, but she's my baby so I am a little more leery of leaving her home alone than I ever was with Goblin. I hope that the appointment goes fast enough that I can jet outta there and be home shortly after her, but I know that isn't gonna happen. Lucky for me, DH was still pretty much doing his own thing with studying and such so he was able to leave early and be home when she got here. PHEW!
SO I go in and doc thinks its a Ganglion cyst. A WHAT?!?! He orders some x-rays on my wrist to be sure there isn't some sort of fracture or anything. (I'm a clutz so its entirely possible I have a fracture and don't realize it! LOL) He then suggests I see an orthopedist to be sure its a cyst and not something more serious. I'm given a lovely brown brace that goes almost all the way to my elbow. Can we saw overkill? I tough it out that night, trying to figure out how to wear the dang thing. If I had my palm resting on the plate at the front then my thumb goes numb and tingly. Hmm... don't think that's a good thing so I end up wearing it kinda weird and its doing nothing for my wrist pain and actually causing some in my fingers! UGH No worries, I will talk to my doc on Thursday when I go in for the other stuff. Did I mention I had to do some fasting blood work at that appointment as well? YUP! Silly me though I could wait till after my noon appointment to eat. Who knew I would actually wake up hungry for a change!
So I make it to my appointment with plenty of time to spare. Turns out a guy who had the day off came in and the doc thought it best that he go to the ER so they could better treat him. No big, shit happens! He has the gal that is going to assist with my wonderful exam (I am sure the ladies know which one I refer too) and she tells me what's going on and he should be in soon. No worries, I get it. about 5 minutes later she comes in AGAIN to apologize. Did I mention that this whole time I am sitting on the exam table with the sheet on my lap and the gown that was OBVIOUSLY made for a woman of a much smaller stature than myself? Hmm... good thing it was warm in the exam room, huh? He comes in and we chat the whole time the exam is happening. The usual stuff, how many kids? any surgeries? periods normal and regular?
After the exam I am informed that I might have to have it redone. HUH? I've never been told that before so it was cause for concern. Guess a week before you are due to have a period is an iffy time to do it. GREAT! Oh well... haven't had it done in 2 yrs so why not! Then he asks about the wrist pain and if the brace is helping. Not really, but I am making do. He asks the gal that was assisting to hunt down another, smaller one to see if that makes a difference. While she is looking we talk in his office about what we could do about the wrist pain and he orders the blood work. He then says he will send in a referral for an appointment with the orthopedist. At this point I am thinking I will just take a wait and see approach to the pain. See if I can get it under control with just the brace and some Advil. Weekend comes and I forget all about it all. Then Monday I get a phone call from the hospital to set up an appointment. Talk about service! I expected a letter in the mail in a couple weeks and here I have them calling me to make an appointment! I like the system here already!
End up having the appointment for the next day and get my choice of times. I go in, he orders more x-rays because I didn't bring the others with me and they didn't have time to order my records to be sent across town and we chat about my options. I want to take the wait and see approach and avoid all needles! Besides, the stats I've read about aspirations weren't that great. I don't really have a noticeable lump, just mostly the pain.
So for the next month or so I have a brace and am taking Mobic. The second brace I got at the clinic was better, but I still couldn't use my thumb. So DH and I head to the drug store to see what we can find. End up with a THIRD brace but this one seems to work much better for me. Now I get to figure out the typing! LOL I'm doing much better now with it so am actually able to work again. I took most of that one week off because I was making so many more typos than usual and I can't afford to do that in my line of work.
Which brings me to now... I can't believe its already the second week of December! WHERE has the time gone? December 10th sort of snuck up on me this year. Can you believe its been 22 yrs already? I told DH Sunday night that if I could I would make him and the children all stay home on the 10th. Shorty ended up staying him sick though. For those reading that wonder the significance, lets just say bad things happen on the 10th of December for me... I'm sure most will say its all just coincidental, but I'm one of those that thinks, there really are no coincidences in life. So 22 yrs ago, my father died. He was 39. I can't remember how many years ago it was now, but DH had a really bad accident at work and had it gone just slightly different, I would have been widowed that day. Thank the gods he was just really bruised and beat up looking!
OK, I'm rambled enough and you probably know WAY more about me than you ever wanted to by now. So I will end with this...
I want a nap! LMAO
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Officially homeless!
OK, so we've really been homeless a few days, but I've not really felt like posting! *giggle* We checked out of the house on Sunday afternoon, spent Sunday and Monday nights with MIL, then headed to Yakima Tuesday night. Wednesday night we stayed at DH's Uncle's house in Spokane and now we are in Columbus, MT! We didn't get as far as we wanted today, but that's because Billings was booked up! Guess they have some sort of rodeo going on this weekend. No worries, though. Tomorrow we will get an earlier start than we did this morning and should be able to make up some time.
Anyway, that's about it outta me for now. I am gonna go lay down! Driving in the wind is tiring!
Anyway, that's about it outta me for now. I am gonna go lay down! Driving in the wind is tiring!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Boys are gross...
Shorty just came upstairs giggling and asked me through his giggles
"Did you hear about the movie called Constipation?"

he continues to giggle
"it never came out" followed by yet more giggling.
"Did you hear about the movie called Constipation?"
he continues to giggle
"it never came out" followed by yet more giggling.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I'm still alive....
but barely! I've been doing lots of decluttering and things of that nature, but I'm still around some. I've got mixed emotions about the actual move itself, but am looking forward to exploring a new space. Though to be honest I am sort of ticked at certain people who are making it difficult. To some I just wanna say, I'm moving! Get over it! To others, I want to say we are going to be on the other side of the country! Acknowledge it! Oh well... can't win them all I guess.
This week has been an interesting one. Boober was kind enough to share her cold with me. I spent most of yesterday struggling to breathe! My nose ws so stuffed it hurt my chest to inhale. So I became a mouth breather. tried taking Dayquil and that didn't help. so for my next dosage took the Nyquil. That just gave me "shiny coin syndrome" so then I tried Sudafed. No dice. My last resort was to try Allergy pills. YAY! I could breathe again, but promptly wanted a nap! I slept on and off all evening, trying to stay awake and be aware of what the kids were up to, but it was so hard! I finally gave in at 9 when Goblin went to bed and slept soundly till about 1. at which time I couldn't breathe so well anymore. But I didn't take anything cause I wanted to be able to get up again this morning. I had such a mish mash of drugs yesterday I don't think I needed to add more of anything to it! Though this morning I think I am going straight for the allergy meds, but just taking 1 and not 2 this time!
Tomorrow is Boober's 9th birthday. *cry* Where has the time gone? She is having her first EVER sleepover! Just one girl though. Which is kind of ironic, since this girl's Mom has the say b-day as Boober! I was kind of afraid that her mom wouldn't let her come because its her weekend with M, but they said she could! YAY! I much prefer M over A. A seems to have "dumped" Boober now that there is a new girl in the neighborhood down the street. I am hoping its because we are moving in a few weeks, and we've known we were moving most of the summer, but it still bothers me. I've never been a big fan of A to begin with, but she was the only girl Boober's age in the neighborhood.
Hmm... what else... nothing that I can think of off top of my head... its gonna be a quick couple weeks though! TTFN!
This week has been an interesting one. Boober was kind enough to share her cold with me. I spent most of yesterday struggling to breathe! My nose ws so stuffed it hurt my chest to inhale. So I became a mouth breather. tried taking Dayquil and that didn't help. so for my next dosage took the Nyquil. That just gave me "shiny coin syndrome" so then I tried Sudafed. No dice. My last resort was to try Allergy pills. YAY! I could breathe again, but promptly wanted a nap! I slept on and off all evening, trying to stay awake and be aware of what the kids were up to, but it was so hard! I finally gave in at 9 when Goblin went to bed and slept soundly till about 1. at which time I couldn't breathe so well anymore. But I didn't take anything cause I wanted to be able to get up again this morning. I had such a mish mash of drugs yesterday I don't think I needed to add more of anything to it! Though this morning I think I am going straight for the allergy meds, but just taking 1 and not 2 this time!
Tomorrow is Boober's 9th birthday. *cry* Where has the time gone? She is having her first EVER sleepover! Just one girl though. Which is kind of ironic, since this girl's Mom has the say b-day as Boober! I was kind of afraid that her mom wouldn't let her come because its her weekend with M, but they said she could! YAY! I much prefer M over A. A seems to have "dumped" Boober now that there is a new girl in the neighborhood down the street. I am hoping its because we are moving in a few weeks, and we've known we were moving most of the summer, but it still bothers me. I've never been a big fan of A to begin with, but she was the only girl Boober's age in the neighborhood.
Hmm... what else... nothing that I can think of off top of my head... its gonna be a quick couple weeks though! TTFN!
You Should Play the Saxophone |
You are charismatic, friendly, and very uninhibited. You have a lot of personal expression to bring your music. Improvisational and informal, you can't deal with an instrument that has too many rules or complexities. You are much more interested in creating unique solos than immersing yourself in music theory. You have a lot of style, and you definitely are one smooth operator. And while you may not play perfectly, no one's going to accuse you of being boring. Your dominant personality characteristic: being very outgoing Your secondary personality characteristic: your flair for the unique and dramatic |
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
WOOHOO! Back to School!
They've got pencils; They've got Books; They've got teachers' dirty looks!
*giggle* The kids went back to school yesterday and the house has never been quieter! LMAO I always forget what its like to have SILENCE around me! I must admit (though I really don't want to!) that its quite disconcerting sometimes! Didn't know I liked the noise as much as I did. Though I think its more to do with the fact that I am used to the noise cause I sure do complain a lot about it! LOL
Oh well... I am sure I will get back into a routine of some sort by the time we have to uproot them and move!
*giggle* The kids went back to school yesterday and the house has never been quieter! LMAO I always forget what its like to have SILENCE around me! I must admit (though I really don't want to!) that its quite disconcerting sometimes! Didn't know I liked the noise as much as I did. Though I think its more to do with the fact that I am used to the noise cause I sure do complain a lot about it! LOL
Oh well... I am sure I will get back into a routine of some sort by the time we have to uproot them and move!
I'm procrastinating again!
This survey was posted on Myspace today so I thought I'd bring it over here to post it. :) I'm avoiding work stuff right now. Just not really in the right frame of mind to do anything really. Didn't sleep very well at ALL Monday night and then last night I wasn't feeling the greatest. I watched Pan's Labrynth last night on that new WATCH IT NOW feature they have on Netflix. I *love* that! Was a pretty good movie though subtitles suck and it had more violence than I was expecting. It was a really good movie though! Ah, who am I trying to kid... I sometimes watch movies with the subtitles on even when its in English lol Then after that I watched a couple episodes of The Pretender last night. Michael T Weiss... what can I say? *drool* Still not quite up to where I want to be, but I figure I can be lazy if I want to. My paycheck will suffer, but at least I wont have to worry about getting shit wrong, right? Anyway, on with the show! LMAO
1. What is the status of you and the last person you kissed?
was my daughter
2. What's bothering you right now?
meh, the usual crap
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
yup I like Boober kisses :)
4. What is in your wallet?
I don't really have a wallet, just a checkbook and the credit card/store rewards card holder thingie with my ID
5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop?
one of the ones that comes with VISTA lol
6. Background on your cell phone?

15. What do you want in your life right now?
sleep!!!!!!!!! Lots and lots of good, uninterrupted sleep!
16. Listening to?
my typing and the fan (MAN its quiet without the kids here!)
17. Have you ever kissed anyone named Patty?
Umm Not that I know of! lol
18. What do you smell like?
I smell like me and the laundry soap lol
19. Eating/chewing?
20. What's your favorite thing to have on your bed?
Sammy lump *giggle*
21. Do you believe in a soulmate?
hmm... I used to, but not so sure anymore
22. What do you wear to bed?
just my undies
23. Do you remember your dreams?
24. Who will you sleep with tomorrow?
hmm... probably DH and *maybe* Sammy
25. Have you ever been gambling?
I've been to BINGO and done the LOTTO ticket thing,,, plus pull tabs and scratch tickets, but never gambled at a casino
26. What's something you wish you could understand better?
hmm... Math. I suck at math!
27. What did you do last weekend?
went to visit FIL
28. Who do you miss?
nobody right now...
29. Who is the last girl you hugged?
My daughter
30. Orange or apple juice?
Apple in my smoothies and Orange in my vodka LMAO
31. Who was the last person you went somewhere with?
the whole fam damily to FIL's house! Unless you count walking Boober to the bus stop this morning
32. What was the last text message you got?
Someone wishing me a Happy Anniversary a week early cause I screwed up the calendar on the message board LOL
33.Have you kissed anyone on your top friends?
36. What was the last thing you drank?
ice water
37. Whose house did you go to last night?
I didn't go anywhere last night
38. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
good gracious I have freakin clue! Only time I remember BEING in a hospital at all was when I had my gall bladder out! Though I may have visited my sister's friend Jessica after that, but don't think so lol (BTW, had my gall bladder out almost 8 yrs ago LMAO)
39. Do you like someone right now?
I like lots of someones right now :)
40. Are you bored?
I'm doing this survey thing, aren't I?
41. What is the last movie you watched?
Pan's Labrynth last night on Netflix.com THAT was a freaky movie and OMG when he killed that guy with the beer bottle! ACK!
42. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
water, ice water and ice water with lemon lol
43. What are you excited about?
getting this damned moved over and done with!
44. Do you want someone you can't have?
45. Who was last to slap your butt?
Probably DH lol he likes my butt the weirdo
46. Where was the last place you went?
Best Buy on the way home from FIL's house lol
47. whats on your mind right now?
meh... nothing more than this survey right now, though I do need to get some work in today cause my paycheck is gonna SUCK ASS because I haven't been able to work much these last two weeks
48. Have you cried recently?
Not out and out cried, but got all teary eyed
49. If an unstoppable force comes across an unmovable object, then what happens?
WhyTF ask me? I don't care!
50. Is taking a shower a daily habit?
not so much lol
51. What did you do yesterday?
got up, took pics of Boober for the first day of school (boys woke me up AS they were leaving so couldn't get any of them) then came upstairs and putzed around online most of the day. Did some work training stuff, did some work and then was lazy most of the day. Wasn't feeling to great (still not to be honest) so didn't do much of anything. Even the kids had to settle for leftover pizza for dinner!
1. What is the status of you and the last person you kissed?
was my daughter
2. What's bothering you right now?
meh, the usual crap
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
yup I like Boober kisses :)
4. What is in your wallet?
I don't really have a wallet, just a checkbook and the credit card/store rewards card holder thingie with my ID
5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop?
one of the ones that comes with VISTA lol
6. Background on your cell phone?
15. What do you want in your life right now?
sleep!!!!!!!!! Lots and lots of good, uninterrupted sleep!
16. Listening to?
my typing and the fan (MAN its quiet without the kids here!)
17. Have you ever kissed anyone named Patty?
Umm Not that I know of! lol
18. What do you smell like?
I smell like me and the laundry soap lol
19. Eating/chewing?
20. What's your favorite thing to have on your bed?
Sammy lump *giggle*
21. Do you believe in a soulmate?
hmm... I used to, but not so sure anymore
22. What do you wear to bed?
just my undies
23. Do you remember your dreams?
24. Who will you sleep with tomorrow?
hmm... probably DH and *maybe* Sammy
25. Have you ever been gambling?
I've been to BINGO and done the LOTTO ticket thing,,, plus pull tabs and scratch tickets, but never gambled at a casino
26. What's something you wish you could understand better?
hmm... Math. I suck at math!
27. What did you do last weekend?
went to visit FIL
28. Who do you miss?
nobody right now...
29. Who is the last girl you hugged?
My daughter
30. Orange or apple juice?
Apple in my smoothies and Orange in my vodka LMAO
31. Who was the last person you went somewhere with?
the whole fam damily to FIL's house! Unless you count walking Boober to the bus stop this morning
32. What was the last text message you got?
Someone wishing me a Happy Anniversary a week early cause I screwed up the calendar on the message board LOL
33.Have you kissed anyone on your top friends?
36. What was the last thing you drank?
ice water
37. Whose house did you go to last night?
I didn't go anywhere last night
38. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
good gracious I have freakin clue! Only time I remember BEING in a hospital at all was when I had my gall bladder out! Though I may have visited my sister's friend Jessica after that, but don't think so lol (BTW, had my gall bladder out almost 8 yrs ago LMAO)
39. Do you like someone right now?
I like lots of someones right now :)
40. Are you bored?
I'm doing this survey thing, aren't I?
41. What is the last movie you watched?
Pan's Labrynth last night on Netflix.com THAT was a freaky movie and OMG when he killed that guy with the beer bottle! ACK!
42. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
water, ice water and ice water with lemon lol
43. What are you excited about?
getting this damned moved over and done with!
44. Do you want someone you can't have?
45. Who was last to slap your butt?
Probably DH lol he likes my butt the weirdo
46. Where was the last place you went?
Best Buy on the way home from FIL's house lol
47. whats on your mind right now?
meh... nothing more than this survey right now, though I do need to get some work in today cause my paycheck is gonna SUCK ASS because I haven't been able to work much these last two weeks
48. Have you cried recently?
Not out and out cried, but got all teary eyed
49. If an unstoppable force comes across an unmovable object, then what happens?
WhyTF ask me? I don't care!
50. Is taking a shower a daily habit?
not so much lol
51. What did you do yesterday?
got up, took pics of Boober for the first day of school (boys woke me up AS they were leaving so couldn't get any of them) then came upstairs and putzed around online most of the day. Did some work training stuff, did some work and then was lazy most of the day. Wasn't feeling to great (still not to be honest) so didn't do much of anything. Even the kids had to settle for leftover pizza for dinner!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I just need to let it go...
SO Goblin's sperm donor hasn't called or even TRIED to contact him in about a year. Last contact was when Goblin stayed there when I went to CA last year to take Shorty to the Tiger Cruise. We tried calling for his b-day to see if they were coming up. I thought I was over it.
His wife is on of my "friends" on Myspace, his mom comes up to visit (she was just here this past weekend and is coming back up next weekend) so its not like he is clueless about what is happening with us.
This morning I was bored and thought I would look to see if he had Myspace. I mean, his wife does so its not totally out of the realm of possibility, right?
He does. No big, not a helluva lot on there of any substance. Then I made the mistake of looking at the pics. There aren't many, but the ones of the kids are just his step-kids and his youngest. WTF happened to the other two boys he has fathered? I understand that he would have some of his youngest and his wife's middle son because they live there with them, but his wife's oldest lives with his Dad and there are pics of him on there. Goblin obviously lives with me and we are a couple hours drive away, so that's not that big of a deal. He doesn't have many of Goblin because he hasn't seen him in a freakin year!. His middle son lives with his mom and they live in the same damn town! Why aren't there pics of him?
HE even has the nerve to say something along the lines of loving being a Dad in the blurb about himself on his Myspace page. Why doesn't he care about Goblin? Why does he have to break MY SON'S heart like this! I know it hurts Goblin that the sperm donor is such an @$$. I could so kill that
right now.
He's never been much of a presence in Goblin's life. He disappeared when I was pregnant. When we moved back to WA the first time after DH and I got married he was around a little bit then disappeared to CO for awhile. When we moved back here this time, he made an effort till his youngest son was born and then its like Goblin and his other son just didn't matter anymore.
I am not a person to have regrets about anything, but the more and more I think about it, the more I regret that push for Goblin to "know" his sperm donor. On one hand I hate that he has hurt my baby like this but on the other hand I am glad that Goblin knows what
he really is.
His wife is on of my "friends" on Myspace, his mom comes up to visit (she was just here this past weekend and is coming back up next weekend) so its not like he is clueless about what is happening with us.
This morning I was bored and thought I would look to see if he had Myspace. I mean, his wife does so its not totally out of the realm of possibility, right?
He does. No big, not a helluva lot on there of any substance. Then I made the mistake of looking at the pics. There aren't many, but the ones of the kids are just his step-kids and his youngest. WTF happened to the other two boys he has fathered? I understand that he would have some of his youngest and his wife's middle son because they live there with them, but his wife's oldest lives with his Dad and there are pics of him on there. Goblin obviously lives with me and we are a couple hours drive away, so that's not that big of a deal. He doesn't have many of Goblin because he hasn't seen him in a freakin year!. His middle son lives with his mom and they live in the same damn town! Why aren't there pics of him?
HE even has the nerve to say something along the lines of loving being a Dad in the blurb about himself on his Myspace page. Why doesn't he care about Goblin? Why does he have to break MY SON'S heart like this! I know it hurts Goblin that the sperm donor is such an @$$. I could so kill that
He's never been much of a presence in Goblin's life. He disappeared when I was pregnant. When we moved back to WA the first time after DH and I got married he was around a little bit then disappeared to CO for awhile. When we moved back here this time, he made an effort till his youngest son was born and then its like Goblin and his other son just didn't matter anymore.
I am not a person to have regrets about anything, but the more and more I think about it, the more I regret that push for Goblin to "know" his sperm donor. On one hand I hate that he has hurt my baby like this but on the other hand I am glad that Goblin knows what
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Got Orders?
Well, we do! FINALLY!!!!! DH got a call the other day saying that he did was approved for orders he wanted! YAY for us! Though it does mean we have to move in about a month. YIKES! I'm really ok with the fact that we have to move, its just the actual moving part that freaks me out. Anyone who knows me, knows I have a little bit of gypsy in me so the prospect of seeing someplace new and being able to explore its just fun! :)
Anyway... That's what's up in my little world right now...
Anyway... That's what's up in my little world right now...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
1 Down, 2 to go!
Today was Goblin's school registration. We got there about 0915 and stood in a freaking line till almost 1000! Turns out we didn't even *need* to stand in the line since it was to pay for ASB, Yearbooks and sports. *doh* Once we got in the door and got his schedule, we just had to get his ID done (that took all of a minute!) and then get his locker assignment. Poor guy got overheated while we were in line! he was wearing his orange hoody and we were standing in the sun. its turning into a rather warm day too! Once he got his sweatshirt off and a looooong drink of water he perked right up. I hate when he gets that pale!
After we were done at the school we went to Costco. bought some stuff we needed there and got some lunch. it wasn't till after he got some food in his belly that his color really returned to normal though. It really kinda scared me.
Went to Lowe's after that to get a water cooler dispenser thing. I am so sick of fighting with the rented one! I am going to call them tomorrow to pick it up. After Lowe's went to deposit my paycheck and then the commissary.
now we are home and I am soooo sleepy! Shorty has his registration on the 23rd and I'm not sure when Boober's is because I'm not sure which school she is going to go to! If you read my blog regularly, you know she was accepted into the "Gifted and Talented" program this year. well, that might mean a different school than the one that Shorty and Goblin went to for 3rd grade. its a almost brand new school, I think this is going to be only the 3rd year its been open. hopefully I get a call back soon this afternoon. If not, I will call them back again and see for sure.
They have their back to school physicals on the 27th and 28th. Its been awhile since they have been to the doctor. they just don't get sick! So I thought it was time to get them physicals and that way they get the shots they need, if they need any! I don't think Goblin will need any, but pretty Shorty will need one and possibly Boober. I think Boober will need the varicella booster soon.
so that's it in a nutshell... this school year and PCS are going to be the death of my sanity!
After we were done at the school we went to Costco. bought some stuff we needed there and got some lunch. it wasn't till after he got some food in his belly that his color really returned to normal though. It really kinda scared me.
Went to Lowe's after that to get a water cooler dispenser thing. I am so sick of fighting with the rented one! I am going to call them tomorrow to pick it up. After Lowe's went to deposit my paycheck and then the commissary.
now we are home and I am soooo sleepy! Shorty has his registration on the 23rd and I'm not sure when Boober's is because I'm not sure which school she is going to go to! If you read my blog regularly, you know she was accepted into the "Gifted and Talented" program this year. well, that might mean a different school than the one that Shorty and Goblin went to for 3rd grade. its a almost brand new school, I think this is going to be only the 3rd year its been open. hopefully I get a call back soon this afternoon. If not, I will call them back again and see for sure.
They have their back to school physicals on the 27th and 28th. Its been awhile since they have been to the doctor. they just don't get sick! So I thought it was time to get them physicals and that way they get the shots they need, if they need any! I don't think Goblin will need any, but pretty Shorty will need one and possibly Boober. I think Boober will need the varicella booster soon.
so that's it in a nutshell... this school year and PCS are going to be the death of my sanity!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
My house smells gooooooood!
Shorty decided to make meatloaf for dinner tonight. Boober helped him by collecting and adding the ingredients. I love that they can work together when they want to without much hassle. they also decided to make some blueberry muffins for dessert! YUM! I did something right! lol
Still struggling with insomnia these days. *sigh* I hate it! Started reading a book about the women who were forced to give their children up for adoption in the decades before Roe VS Wade and its just heart breaking what those women had to go through. I am so grateful that I wasn't forced to give my son away. though i am sure there were some family members who wished that I had. I can't imagine not knowing where my son is or if he is healthy or happy. He's just such a wonderful, caring child. Yeah, he is a grumpy teenager, but for the most part its been wonderful having him around. I still honestly believe that having him saved my life.
Well, off to make the mashed potatoes to go with the meatloaf. Then again, I might just say to heck with it and just do the Caesar salad that I have in there!
Still struggling with insomnia these days. *sigh* I hate it! Started reading a book about the women who were forced to give their children up for adoption in the decades before Roe VS Wade and its just heart breaking what those women had to go through. I am so grateful that I wasn't forced to give my son away. though i am sure there were some family members who wished that I had. I can't imagine not knowing where my son is or if he is healthy or happy. He's just such a wonderful, caring child. Yeah, he is a grumpy teenager, but for the most part its been wonderful having him around. I still honestly believe that having him saved my life.
Well, off to make the mashed potatoes to go with the meatloaf. Then again, I might just say to heck with it and just do the Caesar salad that I have in there!
Friday, August 3, 2007
You might be in the Pacific Northwest if...
- You have no concept of humidity without precipitation
- You throw an aluminum can in the trash and feel guilty
- You use the word "sun breaks", and know what it means
- You can't wait for a day with "Showers and sun breaks"
- You only turn on your windshield wipers to "intermittent"
- You know more than 10 ways to order a cup of coffee
- You complain about Californians as you sell your house to one for twice its value
- You never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho
- You know the exact location of 15 drive-thru espresso stands in your neighborhood
- You stand on a deserted street corner in the rain, waiting for the "Walk" signal
- You know more people who own a boat than an airconditioner
- You obey all traffic laws, except "Keep right, except to pass"
- You let other drivers merge in front of you
- You can taste the difference between Starbucks, Seattle's Best Coffee, and Veneto's
- You consider swimming an indoor sport
- You think that if it has no snow on it, or has not erupted recently, it's not a real mountain
- You can tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese, and Thai food
- You understand what people mean when they say "pop"
- You consider a floating bridge a pain in the butt, not an engineering marvel
- You know what lutefisk is (visualize Ballard, ufdah)
- You feel overdressed wearing a suit to a really fancy restaurant
- You can point to at least two volcanoes, even if you can't see through the cloud cover
- You personally know someone from Alaska
- You think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or tourists
- You find a wallet with $500 and give it back to the owner
- You know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Rainier, and Issaquah
- You used to live somewhere else, but won't admit it publicly
- You know the difference between Chinook, Coho, and Sockeye salmon
- You knew immediately that the view out Frazier's window was fake
- You are amazed at an accurate weather forecast
- You switch to your sandals when it gets above 60 degrees, but keep your socks on
- You have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain
- You would be miffed if the store were out of your favorite brand of water
- You have ever ordered a "half caff/decaf, nonfat mocha grande with raspberry whip" (or know what it is)
- You put on your shorts when the temperature gets above 50--, but still wear your hiking boots and parka
- You feel you've grown up with Bill Gates and can't figure out why people can be so mean to him
- You know the difference between "Today's Forecast: showers followed by rain", and "Tomorrow's Forecast: rain followed by showers"
- In the winter, you go to work in the dark, come home in the dark, and yet only put in an 8-hour day
- The bride & groom registered at REI
- If someone ran your car off the freeway, you might drown
- Half your friends work at Microsoft and Boeing
- Fifteen blocks away is a good parking spot
- You read the Stranger for the personal ads, even if you'd never answer one of them!
- You try to read a book and drive at the same time
- "Capitol Hill" doesn't mean legislation, it means drag queens
- If the temperature gets over 80 degrees Fahrenheit, it's a "heat wave"
- If the temperature goes below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, it's "record cold."
- 40 days and 40 nights of torrential rain doesn't sound like Biblical floods - it sounds like a typical spring.
- The guy in the $5000 suit is the vice president of the company. The company's president is the guy in Dockers and a polo shirt.
- When someone says he's cruising for Dicks, you know he's not soliciting you - just hungry.
- If you know what "Acres of Clams" is
- If you put an empty soda can in your purse to recycle it later
- If summer begins with Folklife and ends with Bumbershoot
- If you consider a beer list to be equal to the wine list.
- Seven blocks of alternating one-way streets seems perfectly logical
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Third time's the charm?
I certainly hope so! I redid the tests that I failed yesterday (on a 5 question test, its easy to do lmao) and this morning received the rest of my results. Out of the first 25 I did (though like 4 or so had no test, just review, but I think I mentioned that already lol), yesterday I had 3 that I needed to retake. This morning I have 1 of those original 3 and that's it. *sigh*
Good news is, since there was no work available in the other areas I usually do, I was trained early on the new method and there is plenty of work there to do! I also might be trained in another QA stage, but not sure how that will work with the move and all. I just hope I can get through this current training with my sanity intact!
What else... oh, I just got an email talking about a freakin countdown to THANKSGIVING! ACK! Its barely August people! Granted, they are trying to sell me dishes for that "perfect place setting" but come on! Give me a break! Then again, at least its not Christmas.... yet!
Off to get some work done!
Good news is, since there was no work available in the other areas I usually do, I was trained early on the new method and there is plenty of work there to do! I also might be trained in another QA stage, but not sure how that will work with the move and all. I just hope I can get through this current training with my sanity intact!
What else... oh, I just got an email talking about a freakin countdown to THANKSGIVING! ACK! Its barely August people! Granted, they are trying to sell me dishes for that "perfect place setting" but come on! Give me a break! Then again, at least its not Christmas.... yet!
Off to get some work done!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Sharing a few pics
On our way home from FIL's the other day the kids and I stopped a the Mt St Helen's visitor's center. They have a nice little trail that winds through the area. I could not believe how many dragonflies were there! Goblin took most of the pics and the kids all loved seeing the dragonflies here, there and everywhere. we did come across a fuzzy orange thing squirming in the water, but not sure what it was. Any thoughts?

Goblin took some really neat pics! There was a stump with some mushrooms on it.

I tried to get a good pic of the kids, but all I got was their backs and one with them to far away.

He also got this GREAT one of the mountain!

Well, I think that is all outta me for now. I should be working but I'm just so cranky right now. *yawn* Oh well, I will get to it I am sure.
Goblin took some really neat pics! There was a stump with some mushrooms on it.
I tried to get a good pic of the kids, but all I got was their backs and one with them to far away.
He also got this GREAT one of the mountain!
Well, I think that is all outta me for now. I should be working but I'm just so cranky right now. *yawn* Oh well, I will get to it I am sure.
Welcome to another month!
WOW! August already! This whole year has just flown by for me! Especially these last couple months! I just hope we hear something about DH's orders soon. Gotta love the military sometimes!
On another note, got some feedback on some of the tests I did yesterday for work. Out of the first 7 I only passed 2 tests. HOWEVER, the first two codes had no test so really, I got 2 out of 5. *sigh* Oh well, it was the very beginning of the process and I think I know where I made my mistakes. Now to go back and re-take those tests! I just wish I knew for sure what I did wrong, you know? So that is the start of my morning today. I think I will just re-do those tests and then wait for feedback on the rest of the ones I did yesterday (got halfway through it last night when I had to call it quits because my brain was leaking out my ears lol) and then try to get some work in. I don't think I did much of anything work-wise yesterday, just mostly the training stuff.
Weird thing, I was up before the kids this morning! Shorty stayed at a friend's house last night so it was just Goblin, Boober and me. Goblin was up past midnight with me. Silly me was folding laundry that late because I was doing the training all afternoon and just let it pile up! He was really good about putting things away without me telling him to and even helped me move Boober's clothes so that I could go to bed! Though he was also really good about pointing out just how much taller than me he has gotten! I swear that kid has grown an inch in just the last week! It feels like it anyway! I now have to look UP to even see past his chin! OK, so not totally WAY up, but still, its just not right! Thankfully for my sanity, the other two aren't seeming to grow as fast so I have a few more years of not being the shortest one in the house!
On yet another note, Casper is driving me nuts! For about the last week he has been peeing on the hard word in the entryway. I know its him because I have caught him doing it a couple times. I have no idea why he has started this all of a sudden but its got to stop! I actually thought last night about taking him to Purrfect Pals ( a local cat shelter/sanctuary) because I just can't take that stress on top of the rest of it! The kids would be heartbroken and I think Sammy wouldn't do well without his brother, but I just don't know what to do with him. Its not like the boxes aren't getting cleaned, the boys do it everyday and we have two! I hope he stops it soon. I can't take it!
Well, off to redo my tests. I might even get some quilting in today! :) I started a rail fence last night for a friend. Hope to get it done soon. Her baby is already here! I will post pics when its done. I still need to get border fabric and the backing for it though. Maybe in a couple days I will do that, when I have the top mostly completed and know just how big I am going to make it. I'm not really following a pattern, per se, but I didn't the last time I made a rail fence and I think it turned out really well. :)
On another note, got some feedback on some of the tests I did yesterday for work. Out of the first 7 I only passed 2 tests. HOWEVER, the first two codes had no test so really, I got 2 out of 5. *sigh* Oh well, it was the very beginning of the process and I think I know where I made my mistakes. Now to go back and re-take those tests! I just wish I knew for sure what I did wrong, you know? So that is the start of my morning today. I think I will just re-do those tests and then wait for feedback on the rest of the ones I did yesterday (got halfway through it last night when I had to call it quits because my brain was leaking out my ears lol) and then try to get some work in. I don't think I did much of anything work-wise yesterday, just mostly the training stuff.
Weird thing, I was up before the kids this morning! Shorty stayed at a friend's house last night so it was just Goblin, Boober and me. Goblin was up past midnight with me. Silly me was folding laundry that late because I was doing the training all afternoon and just let it pile up! He was really good about putting things away without me telling him to and even helped me move Boober's clothes so that I could go to bed! Though he was also really good about pointing out just how much taller than me he has gotten! I swear that kid has grown an inch in just the last week! It feels like it anyway! I now have to look UP to even see past his chin! OK, so not totally WAY up, but still, its just not right! Thankfully for my sanity, the other two aren't seeming to grow as fast so I have a few more years of not being the shortest one in the house!
On yet another note, Casper is driving me nuts! For about the last week he has been peeing on the hard word in the entryway. I know its him because I have caught him doing it a couple times. I have no idea why he has started this all of a sudden but its got to stop! I actually thought last night about taking him to Purrfect Pals ( a local cat shelter/sanctuary) because I just can't take that stress on top of the rest of it! The kids would be heartbroken and I think Sammy wouldn't do well without his brother, but I just don't know what to do with him. Its not like the boxes aren't getting cleaned, the boys do it everyday and we have two! I hope he stops it soon. I can't take it!
Well, off to redo my tests. I might even get some quilting in today! :) I started a rail fence last night for a friend. Hope to get it done soon. Her baby is already here! I will post pics when its done. I still need to get border fabric and the backing for it though. Maybe in a couple days I will do that, when I have the top mostly completed and know just how big I am going to make it. I'm not really following a pattern, per se, but I didn't the last time I made a rail fence and I think it turned out really well. :)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Its fun! Really... it is...
I have started the coding training modules for work today. Talk about tedious! Not sure how its going though, hope to hear about the tests I've taken tomorrow. I can only listen to the sound of my boss's voice for so long before I get loopy! (thing Carl and Sheen on Jimmy Neutron singing "I'm loopy. I'm loopy." and you get the idea *giggle*) I think I am doing fairly well though. It helps that I have been entering exams for a long time now. I already know what most of the codes stand for, its just recognizing them now. ("One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong" Did I mention I am a little loopy? :-p ) I hope to get at least halfway through tonight. its been pretty quiet around the house today. Shorty went over to his friend's house, Goblin has been in his cave, er, I mean bedroom, on his computer all day, and Boober has been watching TV and playing on the computer down in the bonus room. Other than taking a break to fold some laundry and now to write this, I've been able to work pretty steady. However, since I am just doing the testing and things, I'm not entering anything or doing any QA work, so I'm not getting paid! My check is gonna suffer this pay period. :( Oh well... it will be worth it in the end, right?
Well, off to start dinner. Nothing fancy, just burgers and hot dogs (Boober requested hot dogs and since neither Goblin nor I like them, we get the burgers! lol) I just have to slice up some tomato and some onion and its all good. I still need to figure out how to take the propane tank off the grill outside though. We ran out of propane when Goblin's G-ma was up last weekend and I haven't even tried to figure it out. I'll get to it eventually! So for now, its food on the Foreman! wonder what the young 'uns are gonna request tomorrow night!
Well, off to start dinner. Nothing fancy, just burgers and hot dogs (Boober requested hot dogs and since neither Goblin nor I like them, we get the burgers! lol) I just have to slice up some tomato and some onion and its all good. I still need to figure out how to take the propane tank off the grill outside though. We ran out of propane when Goblin's G-ma was up last weekend and I haven't even tried to figure it out. I'll get to it eventually! So for now, its food on the Foreman! wonder what the young 'uns are gonna request tomorrow night!
Ok, so I am addicted to these things! lol I usually do like 3 or 4 of them then post all the results all at once, but today I don't think I will...
Your Aura is Blue |
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life. You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships. The purpose of your life: showing love to other people Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor |
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I should be...
I should be doing a lot of things right about now, but instead, I am here. I am here and I am creating yet another blog on yet another blog site. lol I started out on a different site eons ago, but never stayed with it. Then I started over that the "M" place and I go there all the time, but no blogging on a regular basis. I have a feeling that I wont be too consistent here either, but at least I can keep up with some of my good friends! :)
Well, off to do other things that prevent me from doing what I "should be" doing. TTFN!
Well, off to do other things that prevent me from doing what I "should be" doing. TTFN!
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